Subject Verb Agreement Prepositional Phrase Example

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of grammar that ensures the correctness and clarity of a sentence. It is the foundation of effective communication, and a lack of agreement can affect the meaning and interpretation of a sentence. Prepositional phrases can complicate subject-verb agreement, but with some practice, it is possible to master this aspect of grammar.

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with an object. The object can be a noun, pronoun, or gerund. Prepositional phrases provide additional information about the object of the sentence, such as its location, time, or manner.

When a prepositional phrase appears in a sentence, it can sometimes be confusing to determine the subject and verb. However, there is a straightforward rule to follow: the subject and verb must agree in number with each other. If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural, and if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular.

Let`s look at an example:

The group of students in the lecture hall are studying for their exams.

The subject is “group,” which is singular, and the verb is “are,” which is plural. The prepositional phrase “of students” is not part of the subject and has no effect on subject-verb agreement. Therefore, the sentence is correct.

Here`s another example:

The books on the shelf needs to be put away.

The subject is “books,” which is plural, and the verb is “needs,” which is singular. The correct verb in this case should be “need,” which agrees with the subject. The prepositional phrase “on the shelf” is not part of the subject and has no effect on subject-verb agreement.

One more example:

The student with the red backpack is late for class.

The subject is “student,” which is singular, and the verb is “is,” which is singular. The prepositional phrase “with the red backpack” provides additional information about the subject, but it does not affect subject-verb agreement.

In conclusion, prepositional phrases can sometimes be confusing to navigate, but subject-verb agreement remains essential in writing clear and grammatically correct sentences. Remember to identify the subject and verb and make sure they agree in number, regardless of any prepositional phrases in the sentence. With practice, you`ll master subject-verb agreement with ease.

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