Bbc Charter and Framework Agreement

The BBC Charter and Framework Agreement: Ensuring Quality Broadcasting in the UK

The British Broadcasting Corporation, also known as the BBC, is a public service broadcaster funded by the United Kingdom government. Founded in 1922, the BBC has been committed to providing the UK with high-quality programming and news coverage across various platforms. But how does the BBC maintain its standards? The answer lies in the BBC Charter and Framework Agreement, which serves as the foundation of the BBC`s operations.

What is the BBC Charter?

The BBC Charter is a document that outlines the mission, values, and obligations of the BBC. It sets out the purpose of the corporation and its commitment to serving the public interest. The current charter was granted on 10 January 2017 and is set to last until the end of 2027. The charter is reviewed every ten years to ensure that the BBC is fulfilling its obligations.

The charter is overseen by the BBC Board, which is responsible for ensuring that the corporation operates in the best interests of the public. The BBC Board is also responsible for appointing the Director-General, who is the chief executive of the BBC.

What is the Framework Agreement?

The Framework Agreement is a document that sets out the funding and governance arrangements for the BBC. It determines the level of funding the BBC will receive and outlines its obligations in return. The current framework agreement was signed on 15 December 2016 and is also set to last until the end of 2027.

Under the framework agreement, the UK government provides funding to the BBC through the licence fee. This fee is paid by every household in the UK that watches or records live TV. The current fee is £159 per year. In return for this funding, the BBC is required to provide high-quality programming and news coverage across various platforms.

The framework agreement also establishes the BBC`s independence from political interference. It requires the BBC to be impartial in its reporting and to provide balance in its coverage of political issues. This independence is essential to ensure that the BBC is serving the public interest and not the interests of any particular political party or group.

The framework agreement also sets out the BBC`s obligations regarding diversity and inclusion. The BBC is required to reflect the diversity of the UK in its programming and to ensure that its workforce is diverse and inclusive.


The BBC Charter and Framework Agreement are essential documents that ensure the BBC operates in the best interests of the public. They establish the BBC`s commitments to high-quality programming, impartial reporting, and diversity and inclusion. By adhering to these guidelines, the BBC can continue to provide the UK with the high-quality broadcasting it has become known for.

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