What Is a Transactional Legal Secretary

Paralegals in transactions can also perform the preparation of an offer by a client as part of a real estate transaction or help them with due diligence. This may include a tour of the property, a review of the current owner`s financial statements, interviews with owners, market analysis, and other ways to examine the market value of the property. The results of the due diligence are shared with the client so that he can decide to make an offer at what price and under what conditions. A transactional paralegal can perform additional administrative tasks for an employer. Paralegals conduct legal research in any environment. A transactional paralegal would likely spend a lot of time researching state and federal real estate laws related to certain transactions. She could also prepare document files for lawyers or clients and manage basic accounting tasks in a small office. Some transactional paralegals focus specifically on helping lawyers perform closing services with mortgage lenders. This role includes a variety of tasks, including searching for securities, preparing settlement documents, preparing disclosure statements for buyers and sellers, preparing legal acts, and preparing other memoranda and documents that lawyers provide to mortgage lenders and clients in the closing process. The paralegal can also intervene when the documents are signed when a loan is concluded. A transactional paralegal specializes in preparing documents and assisting with real estate transactions involving individuals or businesses. Like general paralegals, the transaction specialist usually requires an associate`s degree or certification in paralegal studies.

You can work for a general law firm, a law firm specializing in real estate or as an independent contractor. Different types of paralegals draft basic legal documents. The main task of a transactional paralegal is to draft contracts that are used in real estate transactions inside and outside the state. These transactions may include the purchase or transfer of ownership of subdivisions and timeshare real estate. Depending on the nature of the transaction, the paralegal prepares the documents and submits them on behalf of her clients to the required government agency or government agency. Neil Kokemuller is an active writer in business, finance and education and a developer of content media websites since 2007. He has been a professor of university marketing since 2004. Kokemuller has additional work experience in marketing, retail and small businesses. He holds an MBA from Iowa State University.


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