Procurement Contracting Officer Letter

(i) an indication of the extent of the CoR`s power to act on behalf of the contracting authority; 2. Contract staff of agencies not covered by the PINI shall follow the Agency`s procedures. (a) identification of the PIID in tendering and procurement documentation (including electronically generated forms and formats). Agencies shall include all PIIDs for all related procurement activities referred to in points (a)(1) to (5) of this Section. The Contractor shall insert the clause under 52.204-21, Basic Security of the Information Systems of the Affected Contractor, into applications and contracts where the Contractor or a subcontractor may have federal contractual information at any level that resides in or passes through its information system. (1) the contractual acts of the contracting entity documenting the basis for the acquisition and award, the transfer of contract management (including payment obligations) and any subsequent measures taken by the contracting entity; (b) Establish a common source of such information for procurement offices throughout the Government; and only contract agents can sign contracts on behalf of the United States. The name and official mention of the contract agent shall be typed, stamped or printed in the contract. The contractor usually signs the contract after it has been signed by the contractor. The Customer must ensure that the Signatory(ies) are authorized to bind the Contractor (see the specific requirements in Section 4.102 of this Subsection).

(ii) The continued use of a PIID is associated with an administrative effort (e.B. in the implementation of new systems for drafting agency contracts). In this case, the contractor may assign a new PIID by publishing an amendment to the contract. Procurement Instrument Identifier (PMI) means the government`s unique identifier for any request, contract, agreement or order. For example, an agency may use the purchase order or agreement number in conjunction with the contract number as PIID for procurement actions, such as orders for supplies and tasks or basic order contracts (see 4.1602). 2. Subject to the restrictions set out in point (c) of this Subsection, unless a senior official is appointed by the Agency, the head of the contract may ratify an unauthorised obligation. (1) Contract files for which simplified procurement procedures are applied should be considered closed where the contracting authority receives proof of receipt of the assets and final payment, unless otherwise provided for in the Agency`s rules. (b) For entities that do not need to be registered in SAM, the procuring entity validates the CAGE code using the CAGE code search function in (b) Where a contract for the costs (see 16.302) for research and development with an educational establishment is envisaged, the contract staff member shall use the clause with his deputy I.

4.101 Signature of the staff member. Only contract agents can sign contracts on behalf of the United States. The name and official mention of the contract agent shall be typed, stamped or printed in the contract. The contractor usually signs the contract after it has been signed by the contractor. The Customer must ensure that the Signatory(ies) are authorized to bind the Contractor (see the specific requirements in Section 4.102 of this Subsection). 4.102 Contractor`s signature. (a) Individuals. A contract with a natural person is signed by that person. A contract with a person operating as a company is signed by that person, and the signature is followed by the typed, stamped or printed name of the person and the words “a person acting as __” [insert company name].

and (b) partnerships. A contract with a partnership is signed under the name of the partnership. Before signing for the government, the contract agent receives a list of all partners and ensures that the person(s) signing for the partnership are authorized to bind the partnership. (c) Companies. A contract with a corporation is signed under the name of the company, followed by the word “of” and the signature and title of the signing authority. The contract agent shall ensure that the person signing for the company is authorised to bind the company. (d) joint ventures. A contract with joint ventures can include any combination of people, partnerships or companies. The contract shall be signed by each participant in the Joint Undertaking in the manner specified in points (a) to (c) of this Section for each type of participant. If a company is involved, the contract agent must verify that the company is eligible to participate in the joint venture. (e) Agents. Where a representative signs the contract, inter alia, within the meaning of points (a) to (d) of this Section, the authorisation of the authorised representative to bind the contracting entity shall be demonstrated by evidence satisfactory to the contracting authority.

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