Iso Agreement Template

3. Dealer`s Request and Agreement. The Agent may only provide each potential Dealer with marketing and promotional materials provided by FS or approved in advance in writing by FS. These documents include a dealer application in a form prescribed by FS and a dealer contract. In no event shall Agent be entitled, in the performance of its obligation under this Agreement, to offer or present material on behalf of FS (printed, electronic or otherwise) to any potential reseller, actual reseller or other third party that has not been provided by FS or approved in advance in writing by FS. FS only has the right to accept, ratify or enter into a dealer agreement and to include a dealer in the program. FS may, in its sole discretion, refuse to include a Merchant in the Program for any reason. In no event shall the Agent claim that it has the right to accept or reject a Merchant Request for a Merchant Agreement, or claim or represent to any third party that it has the right: (a) to modify or accept a Merchant Agreement in any way; (b) associate a professional with the program; or (c) legally bind or otherwise FS. No agreement entered into by or through agent or its affiliates shall be binding on FS at law or otherwise until it is agreed to in writing by a duly authorized employee of FS. The Agent is solely responsible for all expenses incurred by the Agent to provide services under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, expenses related to the agents` employees or consultants. The Agent acknowledges and agrees that FS may, in its sole discretion, modify the terms of the Program, including, but not limited to, their prices without notice or consent from the Agent. Download the iso standards (DOC) 14 simple design template. Entire Agreement.

This Agreement, including all annexes, exhibits and appendices thereto, sets forth the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all prior agreements, promises, representations, agreements, notices, representations or warranties, whether oral or written, by any officer, partner, employee or representative of any party. No modification or addition to this Agreement or waiver of any right under this Agreement shall be effective unless both parties agree to do so in writing. Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer or be construed as a right or remedy to any person or entity that is not a party to this Agreement. 11. Confidential Information. Each party acknowledges that in the course of negotiating and performing this Agreement, it may, directly or indirectly, disclose Confidential Information to the other party. All such confidential information disclosed herein will remain the exclusive property of the disclosing party (or any other third party) and the receiving party will have no interest or right in this regard except as set forth herein. Each party agrees to treat such Confidential Information with the same level of care and security as it treats its Most Confidential Information. Either party may disclose such Confidential Information to employees and agents who require such knowledge to provide services under this Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, neither party may disclose the other party`s Confidential Information to any third party without the prior written consent of the disclosing party, and the confidentiality obligation established by this Section shall survive the termination of the Agreement. We do not accept returns for the purchase of electronic documents.

For paper, CD-ROM or any other similar medium sent by post, returns will be accepted if an order has been placed twice or accidentally on a case-by-case basis. In all cases, without exception, documents can only be returned with the consent of ISO, which explains the procedure to be followed. Note: The STD model has been adopted by some standards bodies for the development of their national and regional standards. European users are encouraged to contact their member body or the CEN Management Centre for more details on how to access their national or regional standardisation systems. If you need help with this template, please contact The STD version 2.9 conforms to ISO/IEC Part 2.10. Assignment; Successor; Amendments. The Agent may not assign any right or obligation under this Agreement to any third party, including any assignment resulting from a sale of the Agent`s business, without the prior written consent of FS.

FS may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to the Agent upon notice. This Agreement applies to the rights holders and authorized assigns of the parties. Except for changes to the Program and compensation that may be made at FS1`s discretion, this Agreement may only be modified by a written agreement signed by both parties. ISO drawing templates allow the creation of graphic files according to DRG guidelines [PDF]. 2. Remuneration of the Agent. In consideration for the services provided by the Agent under this Agreement, FS agrees to pay the Agent in accordance with the Agent`s Compensation Plan set out in Appendix “A” (“Compensation”). For each dealer referred to FS by the agent, compensation will be paid to the agent for whom FS and the dealer enter into a dealership agreement in a form provided by FS (“Dealership Agreement”) as a direct result of the agent`s recommendation. Payment is due thirty (30) business days after receipt from FS or written acknowledgment of receipt of receipts by Merchant in accordance with Appendix “A”. If, during the terms of the Merchant Agreement, a Merchant ceases to source from a credit card processor designated by FS and thereby adversely affects FS`s agreement with that Merchant, the continued compensation set forth in Schedule “A” in respect of that Merchant will cease.

In the event that a merchant terminates or defaults on his obligations under a concessionaire contract, no continuous compensation will be paid in respect of that merchant. Payment of all indemnities to the Agent will continue and continue beyond the termination of this Agreement, except in the event of a breach of this Agreement by the Agent. The Agent is not entitled to continuous compensation unless it sends at least two (2) new Merchants to FS each month with whom FS enters into Dealer Agreements. For more information, please refer to the privacy policy contained in this purchase agreement. Without prejudice to other rights, ISO may terminate this License Agreement with you at any time upon written notice if you fail to comply with the terms of this License Agreement. Upon termination, you must delete all electronic or paper copies of ISO publications subject to this License Agreement. See clauses 7, 8, and 9 of the License Agreement incorporated into this Purchase Agreement. If you have any questions or need help, do not hesitate to contact us. 4. Identification of the agent. In carrying out its obligations under this Agreement, the Agent must clearly identify itself with its own company name and at the same time inform all third parties that it is an agent of FS for the promotion of the Program. The Agent agrees that its actions and the actions of its shareholders, affiliates (as defined below), directors, officers, employees, independent contractors, agents, agents, principals and partners under or in connection with this Agreement (collectively, the “Agent Parties”) are determined, controlled and directed by the terms of this Agreement and are in full compliance with these Terms.

and at all times and with respect to all parties and third parties shall be construed as acts taken by the Agent subject to the terms of this Agreement. .

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