Interinstitutional Agreement Nih

Institutions must have insurance filed with OLAW to receive PHS funds. If the institution does not have valid insurance, the financing component will ask OLAW to negotiate insurance before the grant, contract or cooperation agreement is awarded. The primary recipient is responsible for including these requirements in its agreements with cooperating organisations and for ensuring that all sites involved in live vertebrate research have an approved animal welfare guarantee and that the activity has a valid IACUC authorisation. Approval of more than one IACUC is not required if the recipient and location(s) have insurance; Institutions may, at their discretion, determine which IACUC research protocols will be reviewed and under which institutional program the research will be conducted. Under consortium agreements (sub-pricing agreements) in which the recipient cooperates with one or more other organizations, the recipient, as the direct and primary recipient of NIH grant funds, is responsible for the implementation of the project, the appropriate expenditure of grant funds by all parties, and all other obligations of the recipient under niHGPS (see Chapter Consortium Agreements in IIB). The animal welfare requirements that apply to beneficiaries also apply to consortium participants and sub-projects. Fax your completed insurance to 301-451-5672 or email Do not submit any other documents. We do not accept separate attachments, attachments, folders or manuals. An animal welfare insurance is the document submitted by an institution that ensures the compliance of the establishment with the PHS Directive. OLAW is responsible for requesting, negotiating, approving or rejecting and, if necessary, restricting or withdrawing the approval of warranties. This interinstitutional assurance between the laureate`s institution and the Insured institution applies to research, research training and biological tests in live vertebrates supported by PHS and conducted at the Assured institution.

. This notice informs the institutions of the Public Health Service (PHS) of changes to the interinstitutional insurance sample, formerly known as the interinstitutional agreement. Establishments are reminded that they are not allowed to conduct PHS-supported activities with live vertebrates until insurance has been approved by OLAW. Send insurance and program changes to OLAW by fax at 301-451-5672 or by email at NIH funds cannot be used to purchase or support dogs from Class B dealers. Dogs used in NIH-supported research can only be obtained from USDA Class A resellers or other approved legal sources. All costs incurred as a result of a violation of this policy are not permitted and are subject to a cost freeze. PHS`s Policy on the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals requires that establishments that receive phS support for activities involving animals have approved insurance with the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW). Interinstitutional insurance is used if the beneficiary`s institution does not have a programme for the care and use of animals, animal housing facilities or an institutional committee for the care and use of animals.

The fellow`s institution conducts animal activities at an insured institution (designated as a performance site) that has national or foreign insurance approved by OLAW. PHS`s Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (PHS) Policy requires that an approved animal welfare guarantee be filed with the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) at the time of award for all recipient organizations that receive PHS support for research or related activities involving live vertebrates. Beneficiary organisations must establish appropriate policies and procedures to ensure the humane care and use of animals and take ultimate responsibility for PHS compliance in all activities supported by PHS. The Public Health Unit (PHS) Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Policy) requires facilities to have an OLAW-approved animal welfare guarantee before performing activities with live vertebrates. == References ===== External links ===Institutions that receive PHS funding through a grant or contract must receive interinstitutional insurance if the institution does not have its own: institutions must not submit insurance unless requested by the OLAW. OLAW does not process unsolicited applications. OLAW provides animal activities funded by PHS. PhS funding components include the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA). Through letters of intent, OLAW also secures animal activities funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). OLAW does not monitor animal activities funded by the Department of Defense (DoD), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and non-profit or for-profit organizations.

Interagency insurance is used by U.S. facilities that receive funding from the Public Health Service (PHS) through a grant or supply if the facility does not have its own animal care and use program, animal housing facilities, or an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and conducts animal activities in an insured facility (designated as a performance site). The NIH will delay the granting of live vertebrate research until the recipient organization and all service facilities are operating in accordance with approved animal welfare safeguards and the recipient has reviewed IACUC approval for sections of the application that involve the use of vertebrates. The IACUC authorization must have been granted within three years of the beginning of the budget period to be valid; However, IACAC may conclude that more frequent ongoing review is appropriate. The IACUC licence review can be submitted at any time prior to award in accordance with the NIH Just-in-Time Directive, so the submission of certain elements of a competing application may be deferred to a later date in the application process after the application has been reviewed if the application is considered for funding. In the Status module of eRA Commons, users will find a function to submit just-in-time information at the request of the NIH. Through this module, institutions can electronically submit the requested information after verification, but before allocation. For more information, see Complete the just-in-time pre-assignment process. Procedure, unless required by ICR in advance The organizational component of the NIH responsible for a particular grant program or set of activities.

The terms “NIH IC” or “award IC” are used in this document to designate a point of contact for consultation and interpretation of grant requirements and to establish the point of contact to seek the necessary pre-approvals or changes to the terms of the award. Therefore, applicant organizations with approved assurances after peer review and impact score/percentile reporting may wish to conduct the IACUC review for applications that have not yet received IACUC approval and appear to be within an eligible range. The PHS Directive defines the term `animal` as any live vertebrate animal used or intended for use in research, research training, experiments, biological tests or related purposes. Interinstitutional insurance is approved for the duration of the grant/contract up to 5 years. Expiry date: (Project duration, up to 5 years) In Part II. provide signatures and contact information of officials Date of approval of the IACUC: (within 3 years, pending the unacceptable) The list of organizations with approved insurance is available on the OLAW website (national institutions: and foreign organizations: Sometimes an institution receives phS funding and chooses to conduct animal activities in one or more secondary institutions. Activities allocated or subcontracted to the secondary entity(ies) are funded through a mechanism called indirect funding. In this case, the secondary school or secondary schools must be designated as the place of performance by the institution awarding the prize.

Once the performance site is approved, the funding component will contact OLAW to negotiate insurance with the institution(s) secondary institution(s). If you want to use the inter-institutional insurance sample as a template, click below to download it. If the principal beneficiary does not have insurance and the animal activities are carried out in an insured institution called a place of representation, the beneficiary must obtain interinstitutional insurance from the OLAW. As part of the inter-institutional insurance, the beneficiary and the place of service agree that the research will be carried out under the auspices and program of animal care and the use of the insurance of the service website. Foreign insurance is approved for a period of up to 5 years. Insurance abroad will only be extended if the institution continues to receive PHS funds, directly or indirectly. Division of Assurances Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare National Institutes of Health 6700B Rockledge Drive, Suite 2500 Bethesda, MD 20892-6910 Some of the documents linked to this page are in Portable Document Format (PDF) and require adobeĀ® Acrobat Reader to view. Employee Invention Report (EIR) Inter-institutional insurance is required when the beneficiary`s institution does not have its own: the process of renewing an insurance policy is similar to the procedure for obtaining new insurance. Your institution will receive a reminder letter before the expiration date with instructions on how to submit an extension. .

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