Amapceo Collective Agreement Ontario Public Service

The union may be able to negotiate increases in your individual salary through collective bargaining with the employer – this is called a general increase. For this reason, AMAPCEO has negotiated terms and conditions for temporary work assignments in PAHO, which allow permanent employees like you to make your knowledge available and gain additional experience working in different roles in the public sector while ensuring your job security. The ability to collectively bargain the terms of your employment, including your compensation, is an important advantage of a unionized professional. These negotiations between employees and management result in a legally binding collective agreement that sets out many of the terms and conditions of our employment, including wages, working conditions, job security, and more. Select your employer below to find out about your collective bargaining. Registration is mandatory. Collective bargaining occurs when a group of people join forces in a workplace to increase their bargaining power. There is more chance of joint success than separate, so it is also a matter of demonstrating our collective will and determination. It`s also good for the public service – to ensure that Ontarians are served by skilled professionals with ever-increasing experience. You and your colleagues are keeping pace with the changing needs of the government and the public they serve.

But one employment contract after another is unfair. If you haven`t spent six months in the OPS yet: This collective agreement also ensures that the employer consults with us and that we work together to find solutions to the issues that affect us. This means that our workplaces are governed with transparency and fairness. Your supervisor will evaluate your performance during the 12-month work cycle between your birthdays and your annual performance targets. If these conditions are not met and you hold the position for an additional 18 months (bringing your total time in the role to 42 months), the employer must offer to convert you permanently to this position if the position releases the surplus. More information can be found in our fact sheet on sick leave, attendance credits and short-term health insurance. Conversion (sometimes referred to as “rotation”) occurs when you work on a temporary assignment and accept your employer`s offer to convert it to your permanent work order. If you are employed on a temporary basis, you do not have a permanent home position in the OPS. Your employer is not required to notify you of any further dismissal if: Your performance salary increase takes effect on your birthday.

For meritorious purposes, your anniversary date is the first day of the month that comes closest to the date of appointment of your current temporary position. . Your futures contract includes the date your contract ends. Performance salary increases can range from 0% to 5% of your salary and constitute pensionable income. Your 2018-2022 collective agreement between AMAPCEO and the Ontario Public Service provides for flat-rate increases in individual salaries and all salary ranges: Your employer must return your management position to regular (“permanent”) and offer to convert to it permanently if: See section 44 (page 96) and the A&B salary plans of your collective agreement for more details. . The notice period must be between two and eight weeks, depending on the duration of your employment relationship. However, because the OPS is such a large employer, if 500 or more employees are laid off within four weeks, you will receive 16 weeks` notice. Your vacation credits will not expire as long as you are continuously employed in the OPS, and you can carry forward any credit amount.

During your contract, you will earn 1 1/4 vacation credits (days) for each full month you are at work (or while you are on vacation or bereavement or jury/witness leave). This corresponds to 15 working days (three weeks) per year. You do not earn credits while you are on leave without pay. In addition to any general increase negotiated with the employer, you may also be entitled to performance pay increases based on your current salary based on your job performance over a 12-month work cycle. Your employer must offer to permanently transfer you to your acting position if: We may also be able to negotiate increases to the minimum and maximum salary range under the contract. . You may want to consult a qualified financial advisor when making your decision. .

For this reason, AMAPCEO has negotiated clear rights for fixed-term workers, including rules for the conversion of contracts into permanent positions. This gives you a higher degree of stability and mitigates the negative effects of precarious employment. The plan covers the cost of prescription drugs, inpatient housing and paramedical expenses, and includes optional vision, hearing and dental packages. You can choose between individual insurance or family insurance. When employees negotiate together, they achieve better results and, in turn, promote fairness and consistency in the workplace. Collective bargaining on pay also reduces the wage gap for women and for racialized workers and youth. Please contact an AMAPCEO workplace representative in your district. You don`t need to be at your service. Your employer may choose to give you notice of termination if your contract is offered or renewed.


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